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Natural Ways to Induce Labor

The last 9 months have gone too fast, too slow and have been a complete and total emotional roller coaster. Your due date has came and went and that little babe is expected to be here any day now - and right now all this waiting is really starting to get old. You want, no NEED,  to find a way to get this baby out and now! We’ve been there. It is about time to give baby an eviction notice and we have 5 great ways to help naturally induce labor and get this baby out into the world. 

WARNING: Consult your doctor first before testing any of these tips!


One of the easier ways to help induce labor is to walk around. The movement of you walking helps to move the baby closer to the pelvis therefore moving just that much closer to the exit. Feel free to walk around as much as you want or at least as much as you are able, the movement will help both you and the baby.


Bouncing is said to help gravity in bringing the baby out. Try using a birthing or exercise ball to sit and bounce with. You can also use the ball to help stretch your lower torso and relieve some of the pain and tension. To stretch your lower torso sit on the ball and move your hips around slowly, this will help open your hips making the contractions a little more bearable. Check out this video for different ways to use your birth ball.


In moderation, exercise is good for you throughout the pregnancy and certain exercises can help with inducing labor. Before partaking in any kind of exercise be sure to consult with your doctor to ensure it is safe. A good exercise to do that is easy when you are at the finish line of your pregnancy is yoga. Yoga is great for stretching and relaxing and can help push baby along. You can also do squats, swimming or light Pilates, all of these help to slowly get your body moving and hopefully get those contractions started. Try this easy pregnancy yoga video to help you with a good easy workout.

Spicy foods

This is an old wives tale but some women still swear by it. What the spicy food does is upsets your stomach causing a bowel movement making your contractions start. Okay, TMI but it’s still true. Just be warned, when it comes to spicy food, heartburn may occur. Check out this delicious spicy recipe for something new with a little heat to try and kick start your labor. Bonus: the recipe sounds delicious.


Yes sex, don’t worry it is safe, as long as your water hasn’t broken, and even some doctors recommend it. The energy used and the chemicals released in the body will help kick start contractions. It might be one of the last things you want to do when you are at this point in your pregnancy, however, if you are feeling up for it and your doctor says you can, go for it and give it a try.


Just relax. Okay, so that is way easier said than done but hey, stressing rarely does anyone any good. Focus on your breathing or even better get some practice in on that labor breathing you learned in birthing class. Try going out for one of those mommy-to-be massages (sounds heavenly). The more you relax, the better it is for you and baby. Rest and relaxation never hurts. Take a moment to meditate along with this relaxing video.

While there is no guarantee these methods will get that baby to come out any sooner, it doesn’t hurt to try - after consulting your doctor first. Remember this: your baby will come when he or she is ready, be patient for as long as possible and try to enjoy every minute before the little one arrives. 

We’d love to hear from you! What tips do you have to induce labor naturally?

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