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Teaching Children the Importance of Routine Setting

Routine Setting for Children and Families

With the start of a new school year, many of us are looking for ways to improve our daily routines, especially for our children. Building strong routines and positive habits establishes a sense of security and consistency. For little ones experiencing lots of new things for the first time, having a set routine in place will help keep them grounded and reduce stress. As explained in an article from GoStudent, “In general, kids' routines help them feel safe and secure. They know what to expect and what’s expected of them.” Establish routines with your child to improve their quality of life and encourage them to build confidence and good habits. 

Remember there’s no perfect or “one-size-fits-all" solution when planning out a routine -- what matters most is that your schedule works for you and your family. Routine planning skills can be carried with them for the rest of their lives, so getting them started when they are little is great! Below are some helpful tips from the team at Child Craft to plan and implement your own family routine.  

School Week Routines:

  • With the added responsibilities of schoolwork, it can be easy for your child to forget about keeping their room clean. An organized, mess-free space to sleep, play, and learn in is a great way to support a successful school year. Include weekly room cleanings in your family’s schedule to keep messes from getting out of hand. As your child’s collection of toys and games grows, talk with them about donating items they’ve outgrown to reduce clutter and save space. Showing your child the importance of organization at an early age helps build positive habits in their life.  
  • Homework can be a daily challenge for you and your young children. Whether your child lacks motivation to get their homework done or struggles with completing assignments on their own, homework can become difficult in your household for many reasons. Setting time aside each day to connect with your child about their homework is a great way to stay on the same page and support them. This teaches them to prioritize their homework and that it’s always okay to ask for help.  
  • Have a set place for your child to learn— ideally, their very own desk! Not only does a desk provide your child with a sense of independence, it also offers a designated area at home where they can spend significant time on their education. Setting your child up with their own desk gives them a dedicated space for homework, studying, reading and more. Consider a desk with drawers to maximize storage and keep your child’s supplies organized. A desk can be used continually – the sooner you invest, the more use they will get out of it! 

Weekend Routines:

  • As electronic devices become more and more prevalent in our lives, encouraging your child to limit screen time can be challenging. Playing on a tablet is very engaging and it can be hard to want to stop. While screen time isn’t inherently bad, too much of it can be. Try your best to balance between playing online and playtime IRL. Mayo Clinic recommends 1 hour max of screen time for children between 2 and 5 daily. Beyond that, it’s up to your own discretion how often your child should be plugged in. Try incorporating screen time into your family’s schedule to make it easier to manage.  
  • Though many of us like to sleep in and stay up late on the weekends, a consistent schedule of rest will make it easier for your little one to stay energized throughout the school week. The more high-quality sleep your child gets over the weekend, the less likely they are to be fussy and exhausted when it’s time for school on Monday morning. Implementing weekend bedtimes can help set expectations for your child to be resting by a certain time. When children expect bedtime, they’ll feel prepared for what is happening each day and learn to spend their time accordingly. Read more about improving your child’s quality of sleep in our blog post, “Sleep for Success”
  • Include blocks in your schedule for outdoor playtime! Getting outside has many benefits, including exercise, Vitamin D exposure, exploring nature, and just being plain fun! Weather permitting, try to spend at least an hour outside each weekend. Plus, while the little ones are playing outside, the adults can get some much-needed fresh air as well!  

Routines during the Holidays:

  • The thing about holidays is – no matter how hard we try to plan ahead; they are always unpredictable. Without the consistency of school, your daily routine will be much different. It’s important to keep some predictability in your child’s day, and one way to do this is to keep their sleep schedule on a set pattern. This will make it less of an adjustment once school starts up again and they must be awake at a certain time. Another thing you can try is having set meal times; this will help your child plan out their day accordingly and improve their time management skills. When your child knows certain times of day mean specific activities are happening, they will feel more prepared for the day ahead of them.  
  • To stay on track with school, include learning time in your child’s daily routine. This can be spent reading books, watching educational TV shows or videos, or going through workbooks. If you’re feeling crafty, create a game or project with your child that is both educational and fun! Align educational activities with your child’s style of learning – have fun by giving them an outlet to grow and expand.  
  • It is a break after all, so make sure your child knows it’s okay to relax. Learning this at a young age will help them prioritize their mental health as they grow older. Make sure your child has free time throughout their break from school to relax, play, and explore new activities independently. This will help them recharge and feel well-rested once the new school semester comes around!  

In conclusion

We hope we’ve inspired you to think about your family’s routine for the school year ahead! Prioritizing your child’s health and well-being through their routine is a great way to reduce stress for the whole family. From the team at Child Craft, have a great school year! 

Learn more about the importance of routines and the role they play in your child’s life at the resources below:

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