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Top 6 Baby Must-Haves

Alright mamas, it is time to prep for the newest addition to the family and with that comes the fun activity of shopping for those must-have items every other mom swears you need. We are here to help you with our top  six must-have items you just can’t live without! 

1. Diapers

This one is a no-brainer, right? Having plenty of diapers is a given, but you can never have too many! Babies need diapers. Period. Cloth or disposable, whichever you choose, your baby will need them and you will thank us for having inventory on hand. Our tip for you is to stock up before the baby comes. Whatever your preference,  you will always, always need more than you think! Check out The Honest Company for all your needs, from diapers to training pants. They are eco-friendly and super gentle on baby's delicate skin.

2. Swing

We know if you could, you would hold that precious little baby forever. But let’s be honest here, there are a lot of other things that need done in a day. Having a swing is a massive help getting those tasks done. Whether it be cleaning the house, making dinner, or just brushing your teeth, a swing is the perfect place to set the baby down. A plus is if it plays music! Anything to help keep babe busy! A swing can be your savior! It helps give you a little R&R, do some catch-up around the house, or give some attention to your other kiddos, all while still having baby in the same room. Take a look at Ingenuity Swings. Some are portable (perfect for taking the grandma and grandpa’s) and they even fold up for easy storage - definitely a win!

3. Baby Carrier

There is nothing like taking a little one-on-one adventure or even just having a more hands-free way to hold baby at home. Either way any form of a baby carrier is helpful. Wearing baby gives you more freedom to do just about anything you can imagine. They are great for going to public places if you don’t want to lug a stroller around, plus baby will love sleeping snug with you.  Having a baby carrier gives a whole new level of freedom, unlike the baby swing it allows to you hold your baby close while keeping your hands free to tend to other needs. Infantino has a large selection of carriers to choose from, even a 4-in-1 carrier that grows with baby! 

4. Clothes

Just like diapers, baby clothes are an obvious must-have. Those cute little outfits are just so sweet but the staples are what is necessary, i.e. onesies! Seriously, you can never ever have enough onesies. You will thank us later when you are behind on laundry and your bundle of joy spits up all over in the middle of the night. Onesies are great to have year round, they can easily be layered during cold months and worn by themselves during the hot months. Stock up on all the sizes, colors and patterns! You will be stunned by how fast that baby grows! 

5. Play Yard

Play yards (otherwise known as pack n plays) are a great place to set the baby down for a nap or to play with a few toys while you enjoy a hands free moment. You can use these at home or on the go. They are great for keeping baby contained and playing safely while you do your thing close by. These can be super handy while traveling too. They take up very little space when folded and take little effort to set up. Perfect for sleep or play.

6. Baby Wipes

Wipes. Wipes. Wipes. You can never ever have too many wipes. Stock up. Wipes can be used for literally everything. Put them in the diaper bag, in your center console, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, everywhere! Other than the most obvious reason, you can use them to clean up your babe after a feeding or to wipe down germy surfaces in a public place. We guarantee you will find a new use everyday of those first few years. Check out Babyganics wipes, they are fragrance-free and organic, and perfect for little one’s sensitive skin! 

 For more must-have items check out our Baby Registry Checklist.

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