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6 Pregnancy Superfoods

6 Pregnancy Superfoods

The minute you find out you’re pregnant your first thought is about what you are (and have been) putting into your body. During the 9 (long) months of pregnancy your body will undergo some big changes and ensuring your diet is full of vitamins and nutrients will only help keep you and baby healthy and strong! Check out this list of 6 pregnancy superfoods that are a must-have in your prenatal diet!


Eggs are a great source of protein and should be a staple in every pregnancy diet! Eggs contain a dozen (HA!) vitamins and minerals that are essential to you and baby. Choline, which is present in the yolk, is critical to baby’s brain development. Choline also helps to make sure baby’s spinal cord develops properly and helps prevent neural tube defects.

Tip: Ensure baby will be an egghead by using eggs fortified with omega-3s! This gives baby a brain boost, so start cracking!

Take your pick: fried, scrambled, hard-boiled, or as an omelet; the possibilities are endless!

Sweet Potatoes

This holiday staple isn’t just for Thanksgiving! Sweet potatoes are jam packed with critical nutrients for baby. Fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, beta-carotene and iron is just a short list of all the goodness these spuds have to offer. Beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body converts to vitamin A, is the MVP in this nutrient rich food. Vitamin A plays a significant role in baby’s eye, skin, and bone development! Swap them with your usual side dishes for a colorful (and nutrient packed) change of pace.

Take your pick: mashed, baked, french fried, casseroled, or souffled (yum!)


Nuts are a great on-the-go power snack to grab on your way out the door. They are full of healthy, brain-boosting fats, protein, and fiber. Munching on these magnesium-rich snacks helps to reduce the risk of premature labor so you can keep your baby cooking for as long as possible! It also aids in the development of baby’s nervous system. Opt for a nut with a shell (i.e. pistachios) to help with craving control. They take longer to eat, tricking your body into registering that its full!

Tip: Keep a stash of your favorite in your purse to make a dent in that 350 milligrams of magnesium you’re supposed to feed your pregnant body!

Take your pick: almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, pine nuts, etc.

Lean Meat

Packed with high-quality protein, lean meat is a necessity in a prenatal diet. With that bun in the oven, your body now needs a lot more protein (an extra 25 grams a day) to help baby’s muscles develop properly. Meats like lean beef and pork are also an excellent source of iron and B vitamins! Not getting enough iron can increase your risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery!

Tip: Skip the deli meats and hot dogs! There’s a small risk of developing infection from bacteria and parasites! Better safe than sorry!

Take your pick: skinless chicken, turkey, pork chops, flank steak, etc.

Whole Grains

Fiber, antioxidants, folic acid, oh my! Whole grains are chock-full of benefits for both you and baby. Enriched, whole grain foods are fortified with folic acid and iron and a great source of fiber! Whole grains are essential to help keep your energy levels up (especially when that morning sickness is hitting you hard). The protein, iron, B vitamins and folic acid are all important for baby's development. Work whole grains into your day: breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Take your pick: oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat couscous or pasta, etc.

Leafy Greens

Mom always told you to eat your vegetables! Dark-green veggies should be on everyone’s pregnancy grocery list! These bonafide superfoods are full of antioxidants and nutrients and also supply calcium, potassium, fiber, folate and vitamin A! Seriously, they have everything you need in your prenatal diet packed in to a tiny little leaf! Sprinkle them into your everyday meal plan: smoothies, soups, omelets or stir-fries!

Take your pick: spinach, kale, broccoli, asparagus, arugula, etc. (prepare it any way you like!)

Figuring out what to put in your body while eating for two can be confusing! Stick to these basics and your possibilities are endless! Remember, protein is king!

What are your favorite nutrient-packed recipes?

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