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Baby Sleep Tips to Save your Life

Baby Sleep Tips to Save your Life

Nothing is guaranteed, especially when it comes to sleep as a new parent! Functioning without sleep, especially with a newborn, can be a daunting task. It is extremely important, for both you and baby, that you get proper rest. And although you may never get as much sleep as you want ever again, these tips can help with getting those zzz’s that are needed for daily function.

Keep it Clean

Make the nursery a room for sleep, not for play. Clearing the crib and surrounding area of toys or other items can prevent distractions and help baby distinguish when it is time to sleep. Always having baby sleep/nap in their crib will allow them to associate the space as safe and relaxing, therefore making it easier for them to fall asleep.

Keep it Cool

Prime sleeping temperature for baby is between 69 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping the temperature cool and consistent helps baby to sleep better. This also applies to baby’s clothes. Regulating their body temperature is very important, try dressing them in layers instead of heavy clothes. Baby should be wearing what you are comfortable in (temperature wise), plus one additional layer! Use your mom judgement: if baby is cold, put on another layer; if they are sweating, take one off!

Keep it Dark

Light can make or break baby’s sleep schedule. Light tells baby it is daytime and time to play, while darkness tells their brain it is time to slow down and get ready for sleep. Keeping baby’s days bright and nights dark can easily help them to determine when it’s time to sleep. The biggest lifesaver you can ever get are blackout curtains! Blocking the light while baby is sleeping will help them fall asleep quicker and sleep longer.

Keep it Calm

Distracting sounds can ruin sleep just as much as distracting sights! We understand the frustration in ensuring the house is complete free of noise while baby sleep. There is always a dog bark, a car horn outside, or the dreaded ringing doorbell as soon as baby starts dreaming! Invest in a noise machine to help cancel out annoying house or outside noises and help soothe baby to sleep. This will also help baby associate this constant soothing sound with sleep and they will in turn fall asleep faster.

Keep it Simple

Every baby is different. A trick that works for one baby may not work for yours! Figuring out what’s best for you and YOUR baby is priority. You know their personality and what makes them tick. Take every piece of advice with a grain of salt, it’s all about finding what works for your child. Find something that works and stick to it! Consistency is everything!

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