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Preparing Your Child's Bedroom for Winter

Preparing Your Child's Bedroom for Winter

As we approach the end of the year in the US, the weather is only getting colder. From playing in the snow to getting ready for the holiday season, winter is a wonderful time – but can also be stressful for parents, especially when it comes to preparing baby’s bedroom for cold weather.  

Adapting your little one’s bedroom or nursery during colder weather months can be tricky, but with a few adjustments, a warm and cozy space can be accomplished. Below are some recommendations from the Child Craft team to create a comfortable bedroom/nursery space:

Monitor Room Temperature 

  • If your child’s bedroom has many windows or the windows themselves are older, it can be extra tricky to keep the cold temperature from coming inside. It’s suggested that babies sleep best in temperatures between 68- and 72-degrees Fahrenheit. To easily track the temperature of your child’s room, use an indoor thermometer.  
  • While monitoring the temperature on your household thermostat, note that the temperature in each room may differ slightly. If you have a smart thermostat system, each room might have separate sensors to help balance the temperature of the entire house seamlessly. Once you have an accurate read of the temperature in your little one’s room, you can make the proper adjustments to keep their space at a comfortable temperature.

Choose The Right Bedding and Clothing 

  • Bedding and clothing are some of the easiest changes to make as the weather cools down. Keep fitted cotton sheets and layers of cotton blankets handy to ensure your little one stays warm. Layers are quick and easy to add or remove, and you can customize how many blankets are needed depending on the weather and how cold your child is. If your little one uses a swaddle blanket, try a thicker option to keep them from getting cold. When searching for the best mattress for cribs and toddler beds, we recommend the Dream Catcher foam mattress from Child Craft.
  • Look for clothes that are both warm and easy to change in/out of. A good clothing option is a cotton onesie with fold-over mittens to keep their body and hands warm. In addition, when clothing is easy to take off and put back on, change-time becomes hassle-free.

Curtains and Window Film

  • There are a variety of curtains and window films you can try to further insulate your child’s room. Thick curtains act as a barrier between the bedroom and the window, retaining heat and keeping the cold air outside. Avoid lightweight curtains, as those won’t keep much cold air out.  
  • With windows that are older, window film can be used as an additional barrier from the cold temperature. Window film is a sheet of shrink-wrap with double-sided tape on one side and can be attached to almost any window frame. Temperature-control window film can be purchased from your local hardware store.

Place Bed Away from Windows and Heaters 

  • Place your little one’s bed away from any windows, especially if they are drafty and let cold air inside. Additionally, make sure to keep their bed away from heating units, as that can cause your child to overheat.  
  • Before deciding where to put your child’s bed, stand in various spots in the room to gauge the temperature. As a rule of thumb, if the temperature is comfortable for you, then the temperature will be comfortable for your little one.

BONUS TIPS the Whole Family will Appreciate!

  • Place cool mist humidifiers throughout the home to diffuse scented oils, which both improve the smell of your home and help to combat sickness in the winter! 
  • Add a draft stopper to external doors to keep cold breezes out and warmth in. 
  • Use timers on your central heating to ensure your heating system performs efficiently. Keep your house warmer while you are awake and lower the temperature when no one is home.  
  • Put ceiling fans settings in reverse (counterclockwise) to encourage air circulation and help push warm air down to where you can feel it.

We hope these tips help you with preparing baby's bedroom for cold weather. Making sure your child’s bedroom is comfortable and safe is a great way to prioritize their well-being.  For more tips and tricks for keeping the bedroom warm, check out the resources below: 

Stay warm this winter! 

-Child Craft 

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